It's year 2008!!! We had a blast! lots of food and fireworks wohoo!!!! I really enjoyed celebrating New Year's Eve with my family.
We had our family devotion after lunch on the 31st because my brother is going back to the city. He wasn't able to spend new year's eve with us because of his work. Anyway, I called him at 12 midnight so we could greet him a happy new year.
There were lots of fireworks and firecrackers from our neighbors too. Our table was also full, my stomach was about to burst because I couldn't stop eating!!! bad bad me.
Me and my sister slept at around 2am already. We texted my mom's friend from a radio station so she could greet us on air!hehehe :)
My little brother woke me up at 9am to eat breakfast. It's year 2008, I was thinking what memorable things I could do to remember the first day of the year.
Well after breakfast, I washed the plates and took a bath because my mom's cousin and her husband just arrived. They were massage experts and they are blind. They are a blessed couple, though they are handicapped, God has given them special skills to inspire others. My aunt is even pregnant with their 2nd baby, so adorable. Oh how I long to have a whole-body massage. I went to the market to buy "pao de arco," but most stalls are closed. Good thing I found one drugstore open. My boyfriend fetched me at the drugstore, so I encouraged him to have a massage too. He was thankful that i insisted ;)
The massage was perfect, I told my aunt that i'll visit her some time in their center. It was the best new year's gift ;)
After that, we went to my bf's house and ate lunch and a delicious chocolate cake! Then he had to pack his things because he still have work that night. After I accompanied him at the terminal, I went home to catch some sleep.
I couldn't touch water after the massage so our kitchen was quite messy until I woke up at 6pm to wash the dishes and clean the house.
I had to sleep early that night because I had to work the next day.
My new year was really great!
Year 2007 is now behind us and we have to look forward for all the things God has prepared for us this 2008. Let's thank God always and praise Him for His love and grace.